Module 1: Introduction to HTML


Module 1 serves as an introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and lays the foundation for the rest of the course. It familiarizes students with the core concepts of HTML, its purpose, and how it is used to create web pages.

Key Topics:

What is HTML?

This topic introduces students to HTML as a markup language used to structure and present content on the web. It explains the role of HTML in creating web pages and how it interacts with web browsers.

Understanding the Structure of an HTML Document

Students learn about the basic structure of an HTML document, which includes the use of elements, tags, and attributes. They understand the significance of the opening and closing tags and how elements are nested inside each other.

Setting Up a Basic HTML File

This topic covers the initial setup required to create a basic HTML file. Students learn about the doctype declaration, which defines the HTML version being used, and how to set up the document's skeleton.

HTML Tags and Attributes

Students are introduced to various HTML tags and attributes. They learn how tags define the structure of content, and how attributes modify the behavior or appearance of HTML elements.

The Doctype Declaration

The role and importance of the doctype declaration are explained in this section. Students understand how the doctype declaration ensures proper rendering of HTML documents in different browsers.

Creating a Simple Webpage

Practical application of the concepts covered so far is demonstrated by guiding students through the creation of a simple webpage. They will create headings, paragraphs, lists, and hyperlinks to form a basic structure.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will understand the purpose and significance of HTML as a markup language for web development.

They will be familiar with the basic structure of an HTML document, including elements, tags, and attributes.

Students will know how to set up a basic HTML file and use the doctype declaration appropriately.

They will be able to use various HTML tags to create headings, paragraphs, lists, and hyperlinks in their web pages.

Teaching Methods:

Lectures and presentations to introduce concepts and demonstrate HTML code examples.

Hands-on exercises for students to practice creating basic HTML documents using a text editor.

Interactive discussions to answer questions and reinforce understanding.

Code-along sessions where the instructor creates a simple webpage while students follow along.


In-class quizzes or short tests to evaluate theoretical knowledge.

Practical assignments where students create basic web pages using HTML.

Review of students' HTML code and their ability to correctly implement various elements, tags, and attributes.

Participation and engagement during discussions and hands-on exercises.


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